
The Division of University Operations, Events and Safety was formed from the merger of the Campus Safety and University Operations and University Enterprises and Events Divisions on July 1, 2024.  The Division of University Operations, Events and Safety is comprised of campus dining, Cedar Grove Cemetery, emergency management, event management, hospitality, the Land O'Lakes facilities, licensing, merchandising, the Notre Dame Police Department (NDPD), the Notre Dame Fire Department (NDFD), operations, risk management & safety, St. Michael's Laundry, and sustainability.  These departments are responsible for ensuring smooth operations, serving and hosting faculty, staff, students, and guests during events and on a day-to-day basis while establishing and promoting safety.


Service, steward, and advance the University's mission by providing an operational environment that is safe and sustainable.  


We will embody a culture of belonging and grace-filled candor that will inspire every team member to maximize their potential and impact.  We will meet the operational and safety needs of the University through innovative strategies, strengthened partnerships, and efficient use of resources.  


Goal #1 - Culture

Strengthen our culture of respect, trust, and communication effectiveness to build a team of empowered individuals so all are included and valued.  

Goal #2 - People

Attract, develop, and retain a talented, diverse team by investing in and valuing each person while balancing our work to achieve individual and University goals.  

Goal #3 - Stewardship

Provide and optimize resources to ensure our Division has the ability to serve the University through sustaining and innovative operations.  

Goal #4 - Safety

Enhance a safe and healthy environment through innovation, routine operations, employee engagement, assessment, response, and compliance.  

Goal #5 - Partnerships

Collaborate to provide trusted services and strategies that are responsive to the University's needs and aligned with its mission.