Avoiding winter injuries on campus is a team effort

Author: Chris Hatfield

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Lady walking on snowy sidewalk

There is a saying that many hands make light work. When it comes to reducing winter-related injuries on campus, everyone on campus has a role to play.


Landscape Services clears snow and applies ice melt to campus roads, parking lots, and sidewalks, while custodians and contractors clear snow and ice from building entrances and exits during their shifts.


But if an entrance needs attention and a custodian is not present, employees are encouraged to grab a shovel and/or spread ice melt to address an immediate need. Supplies can be found near building entrances. Those physically unable to help in this way, are asked to call Building Services at 631-5615.  Snow and ice removal will require some of the time normally spent cleaning the building, so please be patient if custodial task accomplishment is delayed.


Anyone who observes roads, sidewalks, or parking lots that need to be plowed with mechanized equipment, may call Landscape Services at 631-8021 or 631-8888 after business hours.


Faculty and staff are encouraged to take personal care as well.

  • Make sure the tires on personal vehicles have adequate traction for snowy roads.
  • Clear windows of snow and ice before driving.
  • Drive slower and allow more room to compensate for low visibility and slippery surfaces.
  • Wear sturdy, non-slip footwear or boots to improve traction and reduce the chances of a slip and fall.
  • Hold on to the car door when exiting and entering a vehicle.
  • Take shorter, more deliberate steps when walking on slippery surfaces, and keep hands free to improve balance.


Originally published by Chris Hatfield, Campus Services at ndworks.nd.edu on November 26, 2018.